Oct. 26, 2023

Welcome to our Website!

Calling all parents, especially dads! 

Well, after a pandemic, an insurrection, wildfires, a historic drought, and only heaven knows what other wrenches have been thrown our way, PLUS raising 12 kids between us all, we have reached the 75-episode milestone and gratefully have amassed an excellent following of dedicated listeners, friends and guests of the show.

As stated at the top of each show, we are just 4 dads with 12 kids of all ages, learning from experts and sharing what we know with you.

We've heard the hipsters refer to us as "Infotainment."

We do the work so you can sit back and listen while hearing real-life dads speak about the issues affecting them as they try to learn and grow with each show.

What better way to celebrate than launching a website through our friends here at Podpage! 

Here is a new hub for us to showcase the articles and authors on our show, get personal, share recommendations, and have a little fun. We hope you continue to listen, but check in here if you need anything or want us to discuss anything. Shoot us a note to say hi!

We pride ourselves on listening to our listeners and attempting to make this a very interactive show, at the least, where topics can be addressed on anything parenting, no matter how big or small. We'll do the work, find the articles, and snag the guests, but all suggestions or recommendations are welcome with open ears!


Please subscribe to DTO 2.0, our new website, and our show, and we promise we won't disappoint.


We appreciate you.


Let's go!


The DTO Team