In the latest DTO the guys discuss the importance of kindness, caring and service with kids and how it prepares them for true success while breaking down two popular articles on the subject. They also have fun with March madn...
In this food-errific episode the guys discuss the proven benefits of family dinners and the positive effects they can provide. Also they break down food-centric parent tweets, take a food quiz, and debate food opinions! Also ...
In this episode the guys talk about divisions of work and chores in the house and collectively figure out who maybe in hot water or just not using enough. Also they talk Mars landing, Wandavision and what it means to self-ind...
The gang is back together again! In this episode the guys optimistically talk about kids and the inauguration. They also have a more in depth look about parenting styles when it comes to empty promises and hollow threats and ...
In this episode the guys welcome Ben back from Europe and talk about how their all dealing with the insanity that was the start of 2021, especially with their families . Searching for that elusive silver lining and some levit...
In our last episode of the year we host our final chat on all things seasonal and 2020. They guys share Holiday and New Years memories, talk about the meaning of the Dad Time Out and share stories of their pandemic holiday pi...
In between holidays, it actually feels like Groundhog's Day around here. The guys talk 30 Day Challenges, Black Friday, Cyber Everyday, Decoration traditions, Hallmark Movies, CRX's Planking app and the 90 Day Fiancé. Tweets ...
In the latest DTO show they guys breakdown Zooms-giving, show gratitude to all the teachers out there and fire up some teacher tweets of the week, a turkey-day quiz and all the other things we are grateful for including our f...
In the latest DTO the guys leave October behind and keep the optimism ahead.They breakdown the fall, teaching kids about the election and much more. Parent tweets of the week, Would You Rather's, Dad Jokes and things that mak...
In the Quarantine-O-Ween episode the guys break down all things Halloween, MK's least favorite holiday. Alternative trick-or-treating, quarantine costuming and tips from the Today Show and Pop Sugar are broken down for realit...
The guys talk about teaching kids gratitude, apple picking rituals, pandemic food shopping, and MK continues his disdain for Halloween. Meanwhile they pay tribute to the legend Eddie Van Halen and play the world's hottest gam...
If you need a break from world insanity come join us for some real dad chat. The guys reunite after a summertime pandemerrific hiatus and break down parent overload, quarantine and distance travel. They discuss maintaining op...