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March 16, 2022

S1 Ep55: How to Talk to your Children About Conflict and War

S1 Ep55: How to Talk to your Children About Conflict and War
In tonight's show the dads will have some fun discussing cleaning the house, kids rooms, rage cleaning, chore chart efficiency, allowances and cleaning in general…then the take a real look and do a family check while discussing an article from Unicef titled “How to Talk to your Children about Conflict and War” "8 Tips to Support and Comfort Your Children."
They switch gears and take a pop quiz on music lyrics  and then take on some questions from our popular new “Would you Rather” segment…and finally they wrap up with things that make them smile...
Finally...what's one thing you do that makes you lose track of time?
Schoolhouse Rock, Family gratitude, Uncle Ben's posters and so much more... 

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