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May 22, 2024

S1 Ep85: Tips to Show Kids They Matter More Than Their Grades and Achievements

S1 Ep85: Tips to Show Kids They Matter More Than Their Grades and Achievements
"Mattering" matters.
In tonight's show of course the dads kick off with a little catch up, a little May-cember chatter, and then they'll move on to parent’s funny tweets of the week.
Onto the Smart Articles by Smart People  which tonight pulls from a couple different sources including a Mel Robbins podcast, a Jennifer Breheny Wallace interview and an article from Nord Anglia Education. We’ll discuss why achievement culture has become so toxic and provide tips we can do as parents to get back on the right track to show kids that they are so much more than their grades, sports and extracurriculars. Helping kids see they matter for who they are and not what they achieve and then to lighten things back up the guys will take a quick quiz on the teen slang and perhaps learn a few new ones to navigate our daily conversations …and then finally wrap up with things that make them smile!