Jan. 13, 2021

S2 Ep8: 2021...Let's have a do-over. The Kids and Current Events Episode.

S2 Ep8: 2021...Let's have a do-over. The Kids and Current Events Episode.
In this episode the guys welcome Ben back from Europe and talk about how their all dealing with the insanity that was the start of 2021, especially with their families . Searching for that elusive silver lining and some levity, the guys talk New Year's non-resolutions, pizza challenges, Calliou cancellation, early life as paperboys and the nostalgic treasure book known as the TV Guide. The guys also share their podcast beverage of the week while tackling the tough issue of how they deal with the current news climate and their kids. Ever the optimists, they celebrate amazing people, share gratitude for frontline heroes and shine light on parent game changers out there in the sea of hope! Parent quiz, tweets of the week, and more.